Misc. Info and web site addresses www.put-in-bay.com Number one site for the island. Check it out. www.millerferry.com Rates and schedules to and from the island. www.jet-express.com Take a ride on this jet boat to port clinton. www.beerbarrelpib.com Here is the best entertainment place on the island !! www.parasail.put-in-bay.com Enjoy the view from 500 feet above the island. www.sainthazards.com A great eatery on middle bass island as well as great houses to rent. We live in illinois. Here are the directions I go by to get there...... I 80 toll way east 5 hours ( about 330 miles). You have to pay the Indiana and Ohio toll ways. I think each were around $5 each way. In Ohio you will exit the Fremont/Port Clinton exit # 91/6 This is Rt 53. Go north on Rt 53 and follow signs for Lake Erie Islands. Rt 53 will join Rt 2 for about 4 miles then take the exit Rt 53 north catawba Is. / Put-In-Bay / S. Bass Island Ferry. Do not take the catawba Is. Rt 163 exit. goto Rt 53 north!! Follow 53 north about 8 miles it will bring you all the way to Millers Ferry. Good Luck and have fun !!