First I want to say hello and welcome everyone to party town U.S.A.  If your looking for something different to do for a vacation then here it is...... camping, fishing, boating, golf, amusement park, and most important Partying.  Put-In-Bay  Ohio is a different kind of vacation.  First of all it is one of a few Islands in the middle of Lake Erie.  It is only accessible with a boat or plane.  If you want to camp there is a state park on the island or they have houses you can rent and even have cabins at the park as well.

Put-In-Bay is a well hidden vacation hot spot in the Midwest.   At times it seems impossible to find a place to stay.  They only have a limited amount of space and every year more and more people are finding out about Put-In-Bay and are planning there vacations there.  So once you make up your mind, try to make reservations early.  They have no room for you procrastinators out there.

Anyways, on the following pages you will find pictures and a short description of places throughout the Island(s).  That's right, you can take a boat from Island to Island they have places to visit and BARS to party in on each one.  So I hope you enjoy my site Put in bay has been and will be one of my favorite "mini" vacation spots around the U.S.A. 

                                                                Your Friend,

                                              Jason Lee


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