Manobo Tribe

In Bukidnon there are 7 different tribes.  Our church, New Life in Christ Fellowship, works with many different tribal groups.  Even among the Manobo Tribes are different groups.  This particular group that we help evangelize to are the Christian Tigwa Manobo Tribe.  They live in the villages of Kalinawan and Kibongkog, in the mountain province of San Fernando Bukidnon, near the Tigwa river.  It takes about 3 hours by truck, then a 5 kilometer hike crossing two rivers to get to their mountain village.  As a foreigner I am only allowed to go there certain times depending on the movements of the communist military group known as the NPA that reside in the are of San Fernando.  I mostly have tried to help equip our missions pastor with everything necessary for him to evangelize to these tribal groups.  God bless him and it has been a blessing to spend time with the Datu (chief) of the village and the persons living there.
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