Malaybalay City
can-ayan garbage area

I am working with a local Christian brother of mine.. Randy who is with YWAM.. youth with a mission.  He really has a heart to help these children less fortunate in life that live near the garbage dump area.  Many of these kids are malnourished, and do not attend school.  Together we came up with this sponsorship program where you could sponsor one child for the amount of 5000 pesos... from $100-$120 per year depending on the current exchange rate.  This is where you can sponsor one child for a one time payment.. he/she will get a uniform for school, tuition for the year paid school supplies and will be enrolled into the Christian based program.  Each Saturday they will attend classes at the Headquarters building where they will get evangelism about the love of God and also some more basic education and even health check ups.  You will get a picture and background on your child you sponsor and every two months they will write an update letter to you directly. Please call me or email me to talk more about this program.  Many kids need your help.
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